Five Super Helpful Rust Things That Nobody Told You About*

* no refund if someone did actually tell you about them already

Pretty-print debug

Normally when using Debug to print something, the :? format operator is used. However, there are other operators that can be used as well! One useful one is :#?, which formats using newlines and indentation to make things more readable.

struct Foo {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

let foo = Foo { x: 1, y: 2 };

println!("Simple debug:\n{:?}", foo);
println!("Pretty debug:\n{:#?}", foo);

This prints out:

Simple debug: 
Foo { x: 1, y: 2 }

Pretty debug: 
Foo {
  x: 1,
  y: 2,


Sometimes, you might want to write code using a particular function without having to write the entire implementation. For instance, you might want to stub out methods of a struct in order to write tests for them, or you might want to leave out a certain feature until later in development. The unimplemented! macro expands to an expression that will compile regardless of the expected type.

enum VerySimpleList<T> {
    Elem(T, Box<VerySimpleList>),

impl<T> VerySimpleList<T> {
    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            VerySimpleList::Empty => 0,
            VerySimpleList::Elem(..) => unimplemented!(),

”..” struct literal operator

Sometimes, you want to create a copy of a struct with one or more fields different. While you can do this by manually cloning and mutating the result, there’s an easier way! Using the .. operator in a struct literal followed by an instance of the struct will initialize the remaining fields to those of the instance. Conveniently, this doesn’t rely on Clone being implemented on the struct.

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Foo {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

let a = Foo { x: 1, y: 2 };
let b = Foo { x: 2, ..a };
let c = Foo { x: 2, ..Default::default() };

Pattern match guards

Sometimes when pattern matching, the cases you want to handle don’t map exactly to the patterns of the data you’re matching on. For instance, you might write some code like this:

fn divide_opt(x: Option<i32>, y: Option<i32>) -> Option<i32> {
    match (x, y) {
        (Some(i), Some(0)) => None
        (Some(i), Some(j)) => Some(i / j)
        _ => None,

Alternately, you can combine two of the cases like this:

fn divide_opt(x: Option<i32>, y: Option<i32>) -> Option<i32> {
    match (x, y) {
        (Some(i), Some(j)) => {
            if j == 0 {
            } else {
                Some(i / j)
        _ => None,

However, there’s a better way than either of these! Patterns can have a trailing conditional expression condition called a “guard”:

fn divide_opt(x: Option<i32>, y: Option<i32>) -> Option<i32> {
    match (x, y) {
        (Some(i), Some(j)) if j != 0 => Some(i / j),
        _ => None,

Padding format operator

Want to left-pad in Rust? No need for an external package! Simply use the :> format operator followed by the length of the padding, and you’ll get it!

let score1 = 100;
let score2 = 1000;
let score3 = 10000;

println!("{:>5}", score1);
println!("{:>5}", score2);
println!("{:>5}", score3);

This prints out:


Oh, did you want to pad things on the right too? No worries; just use :<!

let player1 = "first player:";
let player2 = "second player:";
let player3 = "third player:";

println!("{:<14} padded!", player1); 
println!("{:<14} padded!", player2); 
println!("{:<14} padded!", player3); 

This prints out:

first player:  padded!
second player: padded!
third player:  padded!

But wait, there’s more! If you want to pad on both sides, we’ve got that too; :^ will do the trick if you tell it how wide the padded string should be!

let padded = "padded";
println!("[{:^10}]", padded)

This prints out:

[  padded  ]

Did someone ask if you can pad with different characters? Sure thing! Stick the character you want to pad with in front of the arrow, and you’re all set!

let title = "SCORES";

let player1 = "first player:";
let player2 = "second player:";
let player3 = "third player:";

let score1 = 100;
let score2 = 1000;
let score3 = 10000;

println!("{:_^20}", title);
println!("{:<14} {:>5}", player1, score1);
println!("{:<14} {:>5}", player2, score2);
println!("{:<14} {:>5}", player3, score3);

This prints out:

first player:    100
second player:  1000
third player:  10000